Following, I would like to introduce you to the grips, using the front side of the belt. Attacker takes position, a bit on the outside and grips the leading sleeve of the opponent. His rear hand grips the front side of Ike’s belt. There are a few variations […]
Unsymmetrical grips
7 posts
One of my personal favorite grips. The attacker’s leading hand is gripping the belt or the lower back of the opponent’s back. The rare hand is gripping the opponent’s far side lapel. The attacker is in kenka yotsu position, but very close to the opponent’s body, […]
This grip is another cross grip variation, frequently used in sambo. From kenka yotsu position, the attacker grips the closer lapel with the rear hand, while his front hand grips across the upper back of the opponent. The front hand might grip the shoulder, the upper back or the […]