The same side grips are a great tool in the arsenal of every grappler.
They could be applied in large variety, depending on the preferable position of the athlete.
Today, I would like to talk about one of the same side type of grips, which is common in competitions.
This grip allows tori to attack in all directions,with big turning throws, sacrifice throws, leg trips, pick ups and leg grabs.
The position is very similar to the normal Russian Tie, also called 2 on 1, but this time, both grapplers are on 90 degrees angle, with Ike behind the back of tori.
The attacker controls the leading hand of uke with both of his hands, gripping the sleeve under and above the elbow.
In order to protect him self from been thrown, tori is leaning forward, dropping his weight on the trapped arm of uke.
This position is great for execution of osotogari, kosotogari and kouchigari (for attacking the leading leg of the opponent).
Turning throws could be seoinage and makikomi.
Changing levels, tori could switch to kataguruma and ankle pick, grabbing the front leg.
By pulling down the trapped arm and applying pressure on the shoulder,tori could simply sprawl and plant his opponent face down in turtle, circling to his back.
By gripping tight under the armpit with both hands, tori could also execute suplex, flipping the opponent over, lifting him by his shoulder.
If tori changes the grip of his left arm and overhooks the right arm of his opponent, he can throw with lateral drop of his right side.
If he changes the grip of his right arm and attacks the close leg, tori could go for Khabarelli throw or teguruma, circling on his right.
Of course, tori could also change to normal 2 on 1 grip and use all available throws from there.
* The most common counter attack of uke would be to circle to Tori’s back and throw with teguruma or a suplex. That is why, tori should use his weight and force uke to shift his body weight on his front leg, making it difficult to balance, circle and generate power for big throws.